Hey lovlies I was kindly awarded the LIEBSTER AWARD from Nelly & Noopy which is very exciting so here we go 🙂


Liebster Award!


Here are my answers:

10 random facts about me:
  1. I love decorating and could spend hours looking round house related shops.
  2. I always get people to try salt & vinegar crisps dipped in chocolate it’s yummy trust me 🙂
  3. I am so so terrified of frogs I hyperventilate when I see one and I swear they hunt me down 😦
  4. I am a foster carer and love it x
  5. I spend wayyyy to much time watching beauty videos on YouTube!
  6. I’m obsessed with my dog Missy and Bailey bobs he sadly died this year 😥
  7. I love organising things and always offer to help people move.
  8. I’m a vegetarian and have been for 23 years!
  9. I wish I was naturally crafty and good at making things.
  10. I would love love love to live in America!!
  1. What’s your favourite movie? The Proposal, Sex and The City, The Little Mermaid and Teen Witch!
  2. Coffee or tea? None but I drink green tea
  3. What’s your favourite TV show? The Mentalist, The Real Housewives of OC/Beverly Hills & The Client List
  4. If you had to eat the same thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Shreddies with hot milk
  5. Gold or silver? Both with a big diamond on them ha 😉
  6. What was the last good book you’ve read? Entwined With You By Sylvia Day
  7. What is your favourite high-end foundation/powder?  YSL Le Teint Touche Eclait
  8. What is your favourite drug store mascara? Rimmel Volume Flash Scandal Eyes
  9. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Most parts of America or somewhere that’s hot!
  10. What is your favourite beauty blog at the moment? Make Up By Tiffany D
  11. What quality do you find most attractive in others? Someone who is a good person and honest!

Questions from – Nelly and Noopy

  1. What was your first MAC product? Crème de violet and budding beauty (eye shadows) I think it was years ago!
  2. What is your favourite blush of all time? Benefit Hoola Bronzer all the way 🙂
  3. Name a beauty product you can’t live without. A lip balm
  4. What is your favourite drugstore brand? Revlon
  5. How many languages can you speak? English and Sign language
  6. What is your favourite Disney movie? The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast
  7. What’s your favourite dessert? Betty Crocker Red Velvet cake or waffles, chocolate sauce and ice cream yum!
  8. What’s your favourite month of the year? October even though I hate being cold.  I love how the trees look and how the air smells and the nights are darker which makes me feel cosy 🙂
  9. Romantic movies or horror movies? Romantic all the way I’m scared of everything!
  10. What’s your favourite high end make up brand? YSL and now Illamasqua
  11. What is your favourite red nail polish? Barry M Raspberry.

There’s loads of questions already so I’m only going to add 3!

1. Favourite drink?

2. What’s the one thing you always buy whilst shopping?

3.Favourite beauty store?

My 4 nominees: (in no particular order)

1. She

2. Lulu’s Beauty spot 

3. Joannaloves

4. powderandpatchouli


Thank you so much Nelly and Noopy for the award it was fun to do and I hope you all enjoyed reading it if anybody wants me to elaborate more on anything I will do.

Take care

nico b xoxoxo

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